About Us
Stop The Ring -- A Tinnitus Learning Health Network (TLHN)
What is Tinnitus?
Tinnitus is a chronic condition that annually affects up to 15% of the U.S. and world-wide population.
For many, tinnitus is a condition that substantially lowers their quality of life and for some the effects can be debilitating--leading up to suicide.
Military Veterans are extremely vulnerable to the condition, with approximately 3 million receiving disability benefits for their tinnitus.
For tinnitus sufferers within the U.S. the current healthcare system is widely variable and underperforms as a result.
What is a Learning Health Network?
A Learning Health Network (LHN) is a scientifically proven framework focused on improving clinical outcomes and reducing disparity in care.
Within the framework, clinical data is collected and best practices result by using data science and quality improvement techniques.
Each LHN focuses on an individual chronic condition (e.g. Chron's disease, cancer, diabetes) and ours will focus solely on tinnitus.
What is Stop The Ring?
Stop The Ring is a 501(c)(3) public charity which advocates for the creation of a Tinnitus Learning Health Network (TLHN).
We raise awareness of tinnitus as a chronic condition, author peer-reviewed articles, participate in podcasts, and create TLHN focus groups.
These TLHN focus groups include tinnitus patients, key opinion leaders, and the very top clinicians and researchers in the field.
Stop The Ring is designing the Tinnitus Learning Health Network (TLHN) with the very top tinnitus professionals in the U.S.
Join us in this exciting journey to improve tinnitus clinical care!​​

leadership Team
James A. Henry, PhD
Jeffery Reagan
Donna Murray, PhD
Chief Scientific Officer
Chief Learning Health Network Strategist
Jeffery Reagan is a successful heart transplant recipient who supports the effectiveness of collaborative learning health systems and learning health networks (LHNs). He became involved with these healthcare frameworks while doing volunteer project management/information technology (IT) work at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital, where the LHN model was created and successfully implemented for children with chronic conditions. As a tinnitus patient himself, he believes that finding better-targeted interventions and ultimately discovering cures for tinnitus can be most effectively accomplished through a patient-centered LHN model that focuses on measuring and improving patient outcomes through evidence-based results. He founded Stop the Ring, a nonprofit that advocates for the creation of a tinnitus LHN. Mr. Reagan holds a degree in information technology from the University of Cincinnati, and his IT career that has spanned five decades focuses on project management, analytics, data modeling, data warehousing, and business intelligence.
James A. Henry, PhD, is an audiologist with a doctorate in behavioral neuroscience. He recently retired as a Senior Research Career Scientist at the Veterans Affairs (VA) Rehabilitation, Research & Development (RR&D) National Center for Rehabilitative Auditory Research (NCRAR) located at the VA Portland Health Care System. He has also been a Research Professor, Department of Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery, Oregon Health & Science University and Adjunct Professor, Department of Speech and Hearing Sciences, Portland State University. For most of his 35-year career, his focus was conducting research to develop, test, and validate clinical methods of tinnitus management. He was funded with more than 30 grants totaling over $40 million. As a result of his work, he authored or co-authored 250 publications (including 140 in peer-reviewed journals and seven books) and made over 475 presentations in the U.S. and around the world. He is currently writing a series of books on tinnitus, hearing loss, and sound tolerance disorders, under the auspices of his consultation business Ears Gone Wrong, LLC.
Donna Murray, PhD, is vice president of clinical strategy at As You Are, chief clinical officer, Autism Analytica, an adjunct professor of clinical pediatrics at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital/University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, and an autism and improvement network consultant. She is the former vice president of clinical programs at Autism Speaks, where she oversaw a portfolio of research and science projects that focused on improving diagnosis, treatment, and systems of care for those with autism. She also led the activities of the Autism Care Network, an autism learning health network, specializing in the development, implementation, and dissemination of evidence-based protocols and standards of care to improve outcomes for children with autism. Prior to joining Autism Speaks, Dr. Murray served as director of clinical services for the Division of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital and served as the codirector of its Kelly O’Leary Center for Autism Spectrum Disorders. She is an experienced clinician and researcher who specializes in diagnosis and treatment of individuals with autism and using quality improvement science to improve clinical care and outcomes.